Saturday, February 25, 2012

Mid 20s Crisis

Today I woke up and I was 26. I didn't think 26 would hit me the way it did but it has really stressed me out.  Maybe it is due to the fact that when I was in my teen years I thought I would have it "together" by 25. The degree, the job, the house, marriage, the dream. When I was young, 25 seemed so far away, but it wasn't. It came so quick and now I've passed 25 and I have yet to achieve any of the things I thought I would have. Maybe it was my co worker's unsolicited opinion that I have four years before "aging out". It could have been that when I was sick this week I came across the documentary "Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead" which freaked me out for some reason. Whatever it was, it has made me take the "New Year's Resolution" look at myself I avoid year after year. I've come to realize that I don't know who I am or who I want to be but that is okay. I will continue to find myself, hopefully the therapeutic ways of blogging will help. I am in no way a writer, and don't have a theme of what this blog is about yet so bare with me. Hopefully with time I will find my voice and someone will take interest in what I have to say. For now it is my journey and my way of dealing with my mid-20's crisis (I'll save the dating a younger man for my midlife crisis).